Hoagy's cornerThe Kanzu x Salome puppies are now 2.5 weeks old. They are moving about more and walking more both forward and backward. Their eyes are open and they are very interested in their littermates and paw and chew on each other and seek out their littermates for play and for snuggles. They are vocalizing actively, frequently and loudly. Their vocalizations are also more specialized indicating different psychological states. They seem to sing together especially while eating. They have little barks and they certainly cry when they are away from their littermates for more than a few minutes. But, they are easily calmed when picked up and snuggled. They move about in their sleep and appear to have a rich dream life. They move to their potty pad at one far end of their whelping box to potty. Liz, (Salome’s human mom) has begun an early neurological stimulation program to optimize the puppies’ neurological systems and make them more resistant to stress and change in their later lives.  Salome now spends a little time each day out of the whelping box watching over her pups from a nearby futon. She often goes out to find the rest of her RR pack and brings them in to see her precious babies. But, don’t let that fool you, she is still very protective and seems to count all the puppies when she returns.

For videos of the puppies at 2.5 wks click here

Nat and Hoagy

Salome with pups

Salome with pups